Showing 1 - 25 of 84 Results
Darwin and the Humanities by Baldwin James Mark 1861-1934 ISBN: 9781313776899 List Price: $22.95
France and the War, As Seen by an American by Baldwin, James Mark 1861-1934 ISBN: 9781340172282 List Price: $21.95
Genetic Theory of Reality, Being the Outcome of Genetic Logic As Issuing in the Aesthetic Th... by Baldwin, James Mark 1861-1934 ISBN: 9781348167761 List Price: $27.95
Story of the Mind by Baldwin, James Mark 1861-1934 ISBN: 9781348186519 List Price: $25.95
German Psychology of to-Day, the Empirical School by McCosh, James, Ribot, Theod... ISBN: 9781348178880 List Price: $26.95
Super-State and the Eternal Values by Baldwin, James Mark 1861-1934 ISBN: 9781348196532 List Price: $19.95
Story of the Mind by Baldwin, James Mark 1861-1934 ISBN: 9781348192718 List Price: $25.95
People of Action, an Essay on American Idealism by Rodrigues, Gustave 1871-, H... ISBN: 9781363455959 List Price: $16.95
Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology; Including Many of the Principal Conceptions of Ethi... by Baldwin, James Mark 1861-1934 ISBN: 9781363542475 List Price: $21.95
Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology; Including Many of the Principal Conceptions of Ethi... by Baldwin, James Mark 1861-1934 ISBN: 9781363790258 List Price: $23.95
Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology; Including Many of the Principal Conceptions of Ethi... by Baldwin, James Mark 1861-1934 ISBN: 9781363790272 List Price: $32.95
Mental Development in the Child and the Race, Methods and Processes; by Baldwin, James Mark 1861-1934 ISBN: 9781371005788 List Price: $29.95
Mental Development in the Child and the Race, Methods and Processes; by Baldwin, James Mark 1861-1934 ISBN: 9781371005757 List Price: $20.95
Thought and Things; a Study of the Development and Meaning of Thought, or Genetic Logic; Vol... by Baldwin, James Mark 1861-1934 ISBN: 9781373487940 List Price: $26.95
Thought and Things; a Study of the Development and Meaning of Thought, or Genetic Logic; Vol... by Baldwin, James Mark 1861-1934 ISBN: 9781373487926 List Price: $16.95
Story of the Mind by Baldwin, James Mark 1861-1934 ISBN: 9781373549518 List Price: $15.95
Story of the Mind by Baldwin, James Mark 1861-1934 ISBN: 9781373549525 List Price: $25.95
Social and Ethical Interpretations in Mental Development, a Study in Social Psychology by Baldwin, James Mark 1861-1934 ISBN: 9781373756169 List Price: $31.95
Social and Ethical Interpretations in Mental Development, a Study in Social Psychology by Baldwin, James Mark 1861-1934 ISBN: 9781373756152 List Price: $22.95
France et la Guerre : Opinions d'un Americain by Baldwin, James Mark 1861-1934 ISBN: 9781374155879 List Price: $10.95
Mental Development in the Child and the Race by Baldwin, James Mark 1861-1934 ISBN: 9781371277413 List Price: $20.95
Mental Development in the Child and the Race : Methods and Processes by Baldwin, James Mark 1861-1934 ISBN: 9781371277420 List Price: $29.95
Story of the Mind by Baldwin, James Mark 1861-1934 ISBN: 9781371678432 List Price: $15.95
Story of the Mind by Baldwin, James Mark 1861-1934 ISBN: 9781371678470 List Price: $25.95
Social and Ethical Interpretations in Mental Development, a Study in Social Psychology by Baldwin, James Mark 1861-1934 ISBN: 9781371689933 List Price: $31.95
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